A Letter Written on Feb 12, 1906

242 Main St.

My dear Mrs. Turner,

It seems so strange to think of you so far away, and yet, it is beautiful, that in thought we can be so near, and I have thought of you so very much, since you have passed through this severe, though not unexpected sorrow. You spent so many happy years together, that it seemed as if they must continue, but our way is not His way, and we are usually led to see, if not right away, sometime at least, that His is the right way. We have missed and shall continue to, that saintly face, that almost divine look, that came into Dea. Turners face, when he spoke in our evening meetings, for the cause he loved so well, and we miss you too, though in a different way, for we hope you will come back to us after a while, but we feel so glad you are so well cared for, and know you must be as happy there with your dear friends, as you could be anywhere, and I sincerely hope you are getting rested, and feeling well. I almost envy you, being with Jessie, isn't she a dear sweet christian girl? We love her so, and feel it would be a great privilege to have her where we could see her often, and feel are so glad she has such a fine position, but no better than she deserves.

I could not go out to church yesterday, Edwin said they had finances for text and sermon and pledges were made for nearly all the indebtedness. A canvas is to be made for those who will or can, to increase their weekly pledge, that we shall not run so behind every year, and I truly hope it will be successful. As far as I know there is no severe sickness in the church just now. We made at the Fair, over one hundred and seventy seven dollars, so the circle could pay their pledge, and have quite a little left. We are to go to the Protestant Orphanage and sew for them Friday next. The Y.M.C.A. Fair is this week, and plenty to do. I suppose you have the Nashua paper, so you see all the items of interest about the dear old place. Will you please give a great deal of love to Jessie. I appreciated her call, and Mrs Tracy was exceedingly sorry that I did not speak to her to come in and just look at her. And will you not accept my most heartfelt sympathy and love, and believe me most sincerely yours

Kate S. Harris
Fe 12 - '06.