A Letter Written on Mar 7, 1906

Nashua March 7th

Dear Mrs Turner

I was much pleased to receive a letter from you. I am glad you are enjoying yourself, get all the rest you can you need it. Charles has plenty of work, is working four evenings a week. Mr. Lovell went to Portsmouth yesterday has been down twice looking at a building site. The windows in the Holbrook, Marshall, Co. are very attractive. Roscoe did play at the Church Fair. They had quite a time that night. One of the strings of his violin broke and one of Miss Goodhues [sic] guitar strings did the same when they were rehearsing. Then Everett Goodhue stepped in Clarence Woodbury's guitar and damaged it a little.

Roscoe has his old paper route back commenced Monday. John didn't do right and Mr Pricthard [sic] told him he would dispense with his services. I think John is making a big mistake in the way he is doing, is making trouble himself and others. Monday I was thirty nine years old just think of it will soon be an old lady with specs. Mrs Macomber Mrs Brown and Mrs Rogers friends of mine with birthdays the same and the same age, spent the afternoon and evening with me. We had tea at half past six. Hot rolls, shrimp salad, fancy crackers, angel cake, chocolate cake, and fruit cake, coffee jelly with whipped cream, and tea and olives. We had a gay time Helen came in the evening. Roscoe called it a hen party. Charles had to work so he was the only gander. Roscoe's school class give[s] a Shakespeare play tomorrow evening, if I am well and it is pleasant I am going.

Was'nt [sic] it a pity Frank Andrews had to die he had so much to live for.

Lizzie Flather and Arthur Shattuck were married at five oclock yesterday afternoon Mr Flather is in such poor health they only had the families of both parties, that would make guite quite a party. She is eight years older than he is. Tell Jessie not to take such a youn[g] man if she decides to take any it gives ones friends such a shock. They are going to live in the Will Gregg house. John Grover has left every thing here and gone with Lev Wells. I think she has done mischief enough she should be taken care of. Alfred Hall's people feel very badly at the way he has done. It made Mr Hall sick abed.

Mr Gage has been sick abed since Sunday Mildred said this morning he would sit up to day. Well I think your eyes will ache when you finish this, I realy [sic] have'nt [sic] a first class pen to write with. I hope the "Musical" will be a success. We will allbe glad when you come home.

I must say good bye now for I want to write to my aunt before dinner.

With Love
Mrs Anna Lord
6 Crown St
Nashua N.H.