A Letter Written on Aug 22, 1915

Hotel Dirigo
Southwest Harbor, Maine

Sunday afternoon.

Dear Mamma:-

We have certainly had two fine days. Friday we came over in Capt. Gray's auto with Mrs. Paige who is visiting some Amherst people who have a summer home here. Mount Desert is no great distance from Harborside and we have wanted to come each year, but the boats don't connect so before this it hasn't been possible, but now the captain has a Ford and his cousin runs it as occasion offers, so Miss Smith and Beryl and her mother and I filled it up very neatly. We brought our lunch and ate it just before reaching the house where Mrs. Paige is - over across the Harbor from here. We have rooms at a village house and excellent meals at the hotel. The afternoon we came we climbed a little mountain - Robinson's Mountain - which is close by an inlet from the ocean. It is rocky and very picturesque all around the middle of the island with both fresh water lakes and sald water inlets. The trails are fine and I'd like to come again! Yesterday we took the Ferry which runs around to the various places and went to Bar Harbor. I don't want to stay there - a regular city it is, and yesterday it was hot. But we just walked through and up the trail to the highest point on the Island - 1500 feet, higher than Mt. Tom - Green Mountain. The trail was excellent, and the mountain is so broad and the slope so gradual that it was a very easy climb. The open top is very large and the view fine. We ate lunch on top and came down the south side to Seal Harbor - nine miles in all. There we sat around an hour or so before the boat came which got us back in season for a late supper. The boat trips we enjoyed much for the route is close to the land and some of the cliffs are fine.

Today we have taken only a short walk of four miles because it is so foggy there is no view from the mountains. We go back tomorrow or next day, according to weather. The roads are very decent. They are so hard that they have washed very little and only one place was muddy and that we don't go over on the return trip. I was surprised to find them so good but we all agreed that we had been over much worse ones at home.

I hope you had your auto ride and enjoyed it and that you keep well. And I hope Mrs. Blakely is well too. Did they have to get Miss Bertha home? You didn't mention it so I presume not.

It is nearly time for the mail to go so I will stop and get this to the post-office which is only a few houses away.

With love to Miss Smith and much to you -

Tell Sam I am sorry not to see him - Knowlton too. I wish they might have come while I was there.