A Letter Written on Aug 24, 1915

Dear Mamma:-

We have gotten back to Harborside again after a nice time on Mount Desert. Monday, yesterday, forenoon Beryl and I walked out to a place about four miles from where we stayed to see the surf for the wind had been high during the night. Miss Smith didn't go because she was afraid it would rain as if it was foggy, but it never rained a drop and the surf was the best I have seen since we were at Pemaquid. The man came for us with the auto about 1:30 and we were back here at 5 o'clock. It was foggy all the way but didn't rain. My poncho was fine. We put it up in front of us on the back seat and it kept off the wet splendidly. I'm glad it was clear yest the day we were over for we didn't see much yesterday. Today is not much better however so it is just as well to be here where we have more things to do. I crocheted on your jacket last evening and made some more progress. You may get it after a while. Mrs. Paige is knitting a pretty blue sweater. She had a very pleasant visit with her friends, she says.

Lilla Clement has come. She had a splendid western trip. I had another business letter from Dr. Clapp's sister but she didn't say anything about Dr. Clapp's health. I guess she must have gone on her way.

The fog is going away so I guess we shall have a good afternoon. If there is time we want to get over to see Mrs. Dow, but this year the captain is so busy he seldom stays over there at Castine long enough to give time to get up to her sister's.

I have a stateroom for next Monday night but I shall go by train if the weather is bad. I have a few errands in Boston and then shall go up to Jessee's and stay until I get my teeth fixed - that is, if Dr. Sprague will fix them for me.

I am glad you had a nice ride and that you are comfortable. I'm very sorry to miss Sam but I suppose I shall. He would hardly stay at Jessee's until I get there.

It is mail time -
Much love to you,

Tuesday a.m.