Huron, South Dakota
Feb. 21. 1913What can you think of us, for not answering your lovely letter, and thanking you for the picture. We were so glad to get it, I assure you. It is not because we have forgotten you, and Oh! how we would love to see you. We could have such a good visit. I find as I grow older, it is not so easy for one to do things, as I used to, especially writing letters. I have a good many to write, as I try to write to the children, often, and John scarcely ever writes a letter any more.
Now I will try and tell you why I did not write. I have been sick nearly all winter. John and I went to Minneapolis before thanksgiving [sic] to visit with Nellie and Jack, also Emma and Augustus' as they live there too? We had such a nice visit all arround [sic] for about three weeks. Then John came on home and I went to Freeport, Ill. to visit a sick brother. it [sic] was quite a hard trip, and quite cold about that time. I was there about a week and was taken sick. I came on home and went to bed. They sent for our Dr. 'son', Mark. I am just getting so I feel like myself. I went to church last sunday [sic], for the first time. I find I have to be pretty careful yet, as I am not very strong. I am very thankful that I can get out, it seems so good.
We are having our first snowstorm, it began snowing in the night, and has snowed all day, today. We have had a very open winter. Just a few cold days, and there being no snow, it seemed just like spring. There has been lots of days that we had to open the doors or windows, it has been so warm, of course we could not let our hard coal fires out. We certainly cannot complain so far and spring is nearly here. This snow will not last long.
Sister Emma is living in Minneapolis, her health is not very good, she is so lonely since Irving's death. She says she don't know what she would do, if it was not for Nellie. When she gets too lonely she goes over and stays with Nellie a few days. Nellie has a very sunny disposition, and chears [sic] her up, so she goes home quite happy and contended for a while.
Augustus and family were well, they have a very comfortable good home right in the city, one block from street car line. They have three nice large lots, with fruit trees, and small fruit, and a fine big garden, he and his wife are alone most of the time as their children are all doing for themselves. George and family are living at Webster, S.D. At present George is in Canada, he is quite taken up with the climate and country.
Lillian is in Saginaw, Mich she was well the last we heard. She does not write very often, only to Sister Emma, she is real good about writing to her. Carrie is still in Col. she was at Cheyenne Wells Col. the last we heard from her. If my memory serves me right, I think today is Abby's birthday. I shall always remember her as I saw her last, she was about one year and four months old, she was pulling her playthings out of her drawer, and laughing, she was so happy. Grandmother sat in her rocking chair near the window. I can see her now 'dear Grandmother how we loved her' Today was my fathers birthday. They are all at rest. Is Uncle Cleveland still living? he is very old.
I will bid you good-night.
Yours Lovingly
Emma & John
John and baby Maxine / Dr. Mark's little girl 2 years old / Mabel 'his wife' took this[A second letter was enclosed with this one.]
Saturday morning
Feb. 22ndOur snow storm is over, and the sun is shining brightly. We have about 2 1/2 in. of snow, it is not very cold. John is in the kitchen, fixing the mail box, one of the hinges was broken.
You asked if we observed Easter out here. We certainly do, all of the churches make great preparations for Easter. Our City is composed mostly of Eastern people, and are nearly all Americans, our colleges and schools, have a great many Eastern professors and teachers. We have no Indians or Cow-boys here any more than they have in the east. Every thing is new and modern.