Huron, South Dakota
Nov. 30th 1913.It has been some time since we received your lovely letter. I should have answered it before this. We talk, and think of you often, and would like so much to see you. It is too bad that we are so far apart. I have been away from home for the past two months, visiting with the children 'Nellie and Jake' and little grandchildren, we love them as our own, and I would love to live near them, so I could see them every day. They live in Minneapolis. Nellie has three children, two boys, old enough to go to school, and the dearest little girl, she will be three years old the 16th of Dec. Jake has five, the oldest is a girl and the next two are boys, now they have twin baby girls three months old, they are just alike, we cannot tell them apart, they are certainly little darlings. The two oldest children 'Florence and Charles' go to school. Mark lives 14 miles west of here, so we see them quite often they have one little girl two years old. We spent thanksgiving day with them. We had such a nice turkey dinner and everything good to go with it. The children are all just lovely to us. The boys all have such good wives and we love them all. Orlie and wife live here in Huron, so we see them often.
I visited with Emmeline and Augustis, while in Minneapolis, they both live there. I think Emma will come to visit us after xmas, she is all alone and gets pretty lonely. She misses Irving more and more, as time passes, she is very restless, so visites [sic] arround [sic] a good deal. Lillian still lives in Saginaw, Mich. (148 Reed St[)] she was well the last we heard, she has one child, a little girl Carrie is still in Col. she is not very well, she lives with Stella. George is away out west. 'Tacoma, Wash.' They are getting pretty well seperated. [sic] I am afraid they will never all be togeather [sic] again on earth, it seems too bad for families to be, seperated [sic] in that way.
It is so nice that you can be with Abby. How nice for you, that Jessie could visit you; she was such a lovely little girl. I remember her as I saw her last 'long curls, and smiling face' always so happy. That is a long, long, time ago. There has been so many changes, and we are changed. John and I are growing old. We are still in active duty, and find plenty of good work that we can do. And we have so many things to be thankful for. 'Surely, God is good'
Now I must say good-night. And m[a]y God bless you, our dear Aunt. John sends love. Write when you can[.]
We are having beautiful weather here. have had all the fall.
Emma and John.
#353 Utah St. Huron S.D.