A Letter written on May 15, 1923

Office of the Dean
Smith College
Northampton, Mass.

My dear Miss Turner

It has been a great pleasure to me this spring to have the good wishes of my friends, but in only a few cases have the messages come from people who had your knowledge of the conditions into which I am going. No one else, indeed, has had quite your experience as a background. As for me, I am very nearly ignorant of the exact nature of the complexities which I know exist, and I shall have to be instructed. If occasion presents itself, will you tutor me?

In any case, I am very proud to be associated with Radcliffe and Harvard, and I look forward to my work in Cambridge with the intensest interest. It is a pleasure to me to have your letter and to see - though fearfully - the task you propose for me.

Cordially yours
Ada Comstock

May 15, 1923

[Ada Comstock served as president of Radcliffe College from 1923 to 1943.]