A Letter written on Jun 14, 1841

[Capital letters were not always used at the beginning of sentences. All occurrences in the transcription are not typos.]

So. Deerfield, June 14. 1841.

Brother Dennis,

Yours of June 1st was this day recd. thank you for selling my cloth. Will you reserve enough of the avails of it to compensate you for your trouble &c. I know of no opportunity by which you can forward the money you now have, should like it by the first - safe conveyance.

Hollis was, & I suppose now is in Monticello. know not whether he intends to come to the north this season or not. I will write you as soon as I ascertain. Shall we not see you & your family here this season. Uncle Sol is failing quite fast. It is with great difficulty that he can get about. He walks out but so slow that you can hardly see him now, it will take about an hour & a half for him to come from his house down here. Doubtful whether he sees an other [sic] winter.

You ask my advise [sic] about helping Amelia, &c. I think she is a worthy girl, & has a good common education, now, but you are aware that her training at home has undoubtedly been defective. Could she be placed under good influences, they would exert a modifying influence & have a happy effect on her. If you are able / as I suppose you are, I think some thing may be appropriated for her education, too good advantage. I do not dare to speak confidently, because, we never know what improvment [sic] any one will make of privileges, but I have long wished that she could be placed under the influence of some one who would elevate her ideas of propriety in a great many nameless thigns of greater & less magnitude which go to make up a good character.

The Mount Holyoak [sic] seminary at So. Hadly [sic] I think is just the place for her. My wife has spent several years under the tuition of the principal of that institution. I have been personally acquainted with her, & I think her the best qualified for training young ladies for usefulness in the active duties of life of any with whom I am acquainted.

My health is quite poor am not able to work but a small part of the time & do no hard work. other friends as well as usual. In gras [?] haste to be up to your time "neg" [?] within twenty four hour[s] after recd "your"

I am your affectionate Brother
