14, August 1949Dear Miss Turner,
I am addressing this letter to So. Hadley hoping that by now you will have progressed to the stage where you'll want to be back there. Life continues to be busy & interesting here. I think you'll [be] interested in the note I received from [...] Indian nutritionist Eva Doss who is out on town [...] - taking with her exhibits on infant feeding & charts, recipes, & food samples illustrating how ragi, which is far more nutritious than rice, can be used in familiar Indian recipes. She says in part "I have finished my work here & start to-morrow for 2 other places 100 miles from here where I'll have to visit the hospitals and boarding schools & give advice & also talk to the women & girls there. -
I have had a busy time here. The girls here are much interested & are good in cooking. Yesterday I spoke to the parents & to-day we had the high schools coming in. We had about 8 schools & so it was a huge crowd of about 400. I had to do it in 3 batches. It was all very exciting & I enjoyed it all too. I shall always do my utmost for everyone. -
I visited the Agricultural College to--day. I have lots of information for you." Eva is very attractive and enthusiastic and an excellent "propogandist" as they call it here. (I dislike the connotation of that word). So you see they have made a good start on training Indian women in nutrition & they can & are eager to carry information to their own people which is the effective way of doing it. I am hoping to get to Vellore Medical School for a visit in a couple of weeks. Yesterday P.M. Eleanor & good Scotch Jessie Thomson & I went canoeing on the Adyar River - a little shower came up & we got drenched. We rode back to college in Eleanor's car and arrived looking like drowned rats. It seems like old times to be having adventures with Eleanor again. Nearly every Sat. A.M. Jessie & I arise at 5 A.M. & go down by bike to the swimming pool on the beach for a swim. That is a wonderful conditioner. To-morrow we celebrate Independence Day - flag-raising at 5:30 A.M. & a Song Service in evening. My little Hindu assistant is finding out about ceremonies in the city. I want to see the mass Indian reaction.
Good luck & love to you, as always,