A Partial Letter Written on Feb 4, 1864

Willow Home, Feb 4th Thursday eve

Dear Mary

Yours of the 2nd was rec'd this morn, and as Anna has written a note, I will try and write this eve and mail this to-morrow then you will get it Sat eve. - Who do you guess is here in the sitting room, reading the evening news. Guess again. I seem to hear you say "give it up" well it is your friend Rufus. If I could only hear your exclamation of surprise!!

I suppose I am quite excusable leaving him to his own meditations, as I am writing to you which fact I have informed him of. - The 21st Regt arrived in Worcester last Sunday eve, the reception was on Monday a stormy day they had. He remains in this vicinity until the 4th of March, then the company are all required to go into camp at Worcester, how long they will remain there he does not know.

Anna asked him if he was not going out to Holyoke to see you, said he did not know, asked how far it was there. Mary I do not think Rufus will think he can return without seeing you. I think you may expect to see him at Holyoke some time this month, but perhaps not. He is looking thinner than he used too [sic], says he has had short rations since he has been in Tennessee.

I did not I know, answer all your questions in my last, as I had so much to write. I did not find room for them. In regard to your studies, I should think they might be very interesting, and profitable, of course your teachers know best what studies you ought to take up. In regard to your "honorable position" I think it is a "high honor" confered [sic] upon your "ladyship." Where is Cousin Anna? And what does she think of it?

I intended to have spoken of your music in my last. I should not give any more attention to it, this term, but should give all your attention to your studies. I think if you are able to go through the year you will get quite a stock of knowledge. I wish Anna had half as much. She has learned the definition of a few of those words you sent. I wish you would try and encourage her to study more.

Mr Fuller has just commenced a singing school for new beginners and she attends still she does not care to go, but I tell her it is just what she wants, to go and learn the notes now she is commencing her music. She is getting along very well with that, takes two lessons a week, does not go to school afternoons[.] She has finished her Picture she was drawing and it looks very pretty. I wish you would write her and try to get her to study those words, and send her some more. - I have never asked how much her hat cost, but I knew it cost a good deal, I should not have thought your Father would have bought so nice a one, and I think Anna ought to have known that her Father could not afford to get so costly a one, but she does not seem to think any thing about the cost or whether it can be afforded if she can only get what she wants. She has yet much to learn, which she little thinks of now.

The "grand dance" she attended was an assembly She wanted very much to go to the last dancing school, almost every one went, of the school girls She was greatly disappointed, but I did not think it best and since I have been very thankful that she was not there, G. Whitney & Sister was going to the assembly as he was going to, and did leave town the next day, they wished her to go and as she never went to one I told her she might go once. - The Unitarian Charity party was held last eve at the town hall, dancing was the chief amusement of the evening[.] She wanted very much to go, but I did not think best. Morse went and waited on Hattie Putnam he waits on her mostly, Anna occasionally. - Charlie G- has returned to stop a few weeks I heard he was going to attend school this spring, but did not think to ask him if he was intending to, - Abby Wood remains in Boston yet. She sings in one of the churches there and has five dollars a sabbath what do you think of that? it is earning money pretty easy is it not? She does not have any work at Millinery at present, as it is a dull season at this time, so she is boarding there and sings sabbaths, has a nice time Fernando being there, Augustine told me of this, he told me too, that there was a Concert Sabbath eve at Music Hall and the large Organ was played. Sixteen voices were selected to accompany it and Abbie was one of the number. I have spoken to Augustine several times about writing you and he says he is going to perhaps your Father will write next week, he says tell Mary "I am very much obliged to her for her letter and shall answer it." - he thinks you are getting along nicely. I think I have answered all your questions but do not know as I have not your last letter the flames had it after I wrote you. I hope it they have had my last but you did not say they had if not cast it in fortwith. Write next week and write more. Your Father says you may get a Waverly as you wished so we will get one ere long and send it. All send love

be a good Girl from your loving Mother

The meetings still continue with interest I attended yesterday afternoon the meeting was very interesting I have a good deal of headache lately not very severe.