West Northfield Dec 11th 1862Dear Niece
We thank you for your kind letters you do not know how much relief it give[s] us to hear from Sister Lois & how much anxiety we have felt for her since our return home - I am very sorry to hear she does not improve I hope she will get well - Tell her that she is not out of our minds at all - that she must have courage & faith that whatever our Heavenly Father does - he doeth it well & all for the best - If she puts her trust in him he will not forsake her in her hour of trial[.] Your Aunt & the boys unite with me in sending much love to her & the family I hope you will write often for the present at least - My family are all as well as usual I hope sister is better this morning
From Your Uncle E. E. Belding
P.S. Your Aunt is very anxious to hear how your Mother gets along & whether she has got some one to help her take care of Sister she says she is afraid she will get sick too she sends her love to your Mother & Sister Lois & says she hopes she is better this beautiful morning
In haste yours &c E E Belding
[I imagine the aunt that Elijah Eastmond Belding is mentioning in this letter is his wife, Eliza (Frost) Belding. "The boys" would be their three surviving sons, Edward, Elijah, and Edgar. Two other sons and two daughters had passed away by 1862. "Mother" is Maria Anna (Belding) Dickinson, and "Sister Lois" is Lois Stevens Belding, who died on Dec 13, 1862.]