24 Trapelo Road
Belmont, Mass.Feb. 17, 1924
Dear Miss Turner,
I was more than pleased to receive your letter, and to learn how things are going at Holyoke. I think of you all so often, and sincerely wish I might drop in and see you. It must be most exciting now that the new building is so nearly completed, and I'm sure you will be glad when the strain is over.
In regard to the Schneider test, the publication is entitled "Further Observations on a Cardiovascular Physical Fitness Test" by Lieutenant Colonel Edward C. Schneider, M.A.R.C., U.S.A. From the Medical Research Lab. & School for Flight Surgeons, Mitchel Field, L.I., N.Y. Our copy is a reprint from the Military Surgeon" for Jan. 1923.
These tests were tried out by Dr. Norris of Minn. on a group of trained as contrasted with a group of physically untrained students and the results were: total score for the untrained 5 to 6; for the trained 10 to 12. Dr. Howe said the results have not, to his knowledge been published. Last year he tried the tests on a few undergraduates, and compared results with the physical education group. His figures exactly confirm Dr. Norris's. We did such a long series of tests this fall that Dr. Howe has not finished working on them yet, but I added up the results of 108 Schneiders the other day and obtained an average of 5.88. Individual totals ranged from 15 to -6, for we did the entire Freshman class, and some had just come from camps and were in perfect condition, while others fainted when we put the cuff on!
I wish so much that I might come up for Faculty play, but we, alas, are having our troubles too. Miss Cummings had engaged a student assistant to help me with the 440 freshman hygiene papers which come in practically weekly, and then the student fell ill, and we have been having a most difficult time trying to keep things up to date with a little help now and again from a variety of people. Since this is supposed to take only one-fourth of my time, things have ben a trifle rushed! and I don't see any immediate relief in sight. It would be such fun to go back to Holyoke when Betsy is there too. I sincerely wish it were possible to arrange it and thank you so much for suggesting it. Please give my love to Charlotte - with very much for yourself,