My Dear Benjamin:-I wonder if you will excuse a penciled letter this time[.] It must be so or not at all[.] Am on a case as usual and am just dreadfully tired[.] Have been busy almost all the time since I could be spared from sickness at home & it looks now as though I am booked for a long case. I am glad if I only keep well but I find I can not stand as much as I used to & going with out sleep begins to tell on me. How is it with you my Dear Boy. I often wish I could step in & have one of our old time visits[.] But those are gone for us. How are you getting along. You must write & tell me all about your self[.] Do you like your position as well as ever? I am pleased to know about you[r] Intended[.] Think she must be a very sweet girl & I do hope you will be very happy together. I know you will be much happier with a home of your own. I suppose you know of Cousin Freds marriage[.] They wrote me that Otis was there[.] I wanted so much to go but of course could not[.] It costs too much money more than I could afford this Winter. I hope Fred has a good wife he is such a nice young man. How are your Father & Mother this Winter? The finding of your brother must have indeed been a great joy to you all. Has he fully recovered his health? Does he belong to the Regular Army?
Dec. 23" I commenced this several days ago day before yesterday I had to give up & go home for a little rest[.] I got so that I could not sleep when I had a chance[.] Came back to-day am still tired but feel better than I did[.] My prospects for Christmas are not very bright[.] My patient is slowly but surely failing every day & is a great sufferer[.] I am sure I can but feel glad for her when she is at rest. You must write & tell me how you spend the Holidays[.] I wish you a Merry Christmas and an exceptionally Happy New Year[.] May God keep, bless, and prosper you is my sincere wish[.]
Mother sends lots of love & says to tell you she often thinks of you. She is quite comfortable (for her) this Winter. So far our Winter has been mild. Have had quite good sleighing some of the time.
Dr. Thompson has been in California for about two months[.] She expects to return some time this week I believe. She was called there by the illness of one of her cousins. Dr. W- & I are not as good friends as we used to be[.] I think you will be glad of that for I do not think you ever liked him very well[.]
Well I hav'nt time to write more this time must go to my patient
With lots of love
Write soon to your cousin Marie