A Letter Written on Nov 11, 1924

Nov. 11, 24

4 Park St. So. Hadley, Mass.

My very dear friend:-

I am just looking once more at the photo. you sent me from Pictou, N.S - a very interesting spot it must be and I am glad you had a part of your well-earned vacation there. I hope the time will not fly too fast, as it does when everything pleases, and reminds us that work, hard work, is ahead. I had only a glimpse of you on Founders Day, but it could not be helped, with so many claiming your attention and mine, too. It was a success for the Laboratory, and I am sure you will enjoy it when you come back. You will be missed, there and all around, when until you are back in your new quarters.

I want you to know how much Katharine and I both feel indebted to you - in many ways. Your advice and encouragement and stimulating teaching all through her course beyond help in attaining her present position here and are invaluable. She writes of being very busy and very happy in her work. Miss Hazel Stedmen was in New Haven recently revisited the nurses' school. K. was doing "splendly."

She has much care and anxiety for her mother as well as sorrow in the death of her brother and father you know, but has borne all bravely better than one could have expected beforehand of one so young. She writes now that her mother has had some relapse of late, and that she planned to get away for a few days and go to her.

Life seems very full here just now as it will continue even to an on-looker like myself. I have a great comfort in my old scholars; hardly a day passes that one does not find me out and tell the story of the years passed away since I saw her last.

Again I must assure you of my deep love for you as if one of the Old Guard of Holyoke Days. May every good thing ever be yours.

Anna C. Edwards