A Letter written on Feb 15, 1867

Dear Friend:

"The Constitution of the Memorandum Society requires that the next Catalogue be published in the year 1867." As Secretary of said Society, it becomes my duty to remind you of this fact.

The last Catalogue was not issued until the last of July, 1862, because of the delinquency of a large number of the members. Will you not report yourself without delay?

The Postage for the Catalogue will be about twelve cents.

Let me take this opportunity to state that the Annual Catalogues of the Seminary are sent during the Summer term of each year. Many complain that they do not receive them. Often change of residence is not reported to us. If this were always done, some failures would be avoided. In other cases the fault must be at the various Post Offices.

Very truly yours,
MARY ELLIS, Secretary.

South Hadley, Mass.,
Feb. 15, 1867.