A Letter Written around May 6, 1919

In Psychie Lab.

Bub dearest,

Just a few lines to let you know I'm alive and kicking. Why of course I'm all right and still expecting you to come up to Senior dance. I'm mighty sorry you can't stay for Sunday but then I'll be happy to have you up here for Friday and Saturday.

But dear, you can plan to go down on the sleeper Saturday night can't you? Because the dramatic club is giving a play Saturday evening, and there may be informal dancing afterward. I do want you to stay for that. The play, I mean - the dancing wouldn't be so much.

Another thing, I wrote a letter to Ken Sunday addressed to you and in it asked him to come up. Buddie is counting on him and ye gods, maybe it wouldn't please me to see him up here, too. So if he doesn't get the letter, you tell him for me we are still expecting him, and I really did write him.

I think it is just splendid about his going back to Princeton. He has my best wishes, surely, for all success in passing his x ams. He will, too.

Do you think you're right nice, I as you Mr. Beattie to write up to one plugging away toward xams and telling one held within bounds of the four walls of Mt. Holyoke Seminary (!) all about your gay frivolity in the underworld!! Cheer up, it sounded just like old times again, and to be frank with you, I was glad to hear Kathryn was alive & kicking for she hasn't written to me since Easter vacation! How is that for a loving sister? The kid is pretty busy, I guess. If you should happen to see her again, tell her for me a letter would be welcomed!

I must get to work -

Now yours with the "Cheshire grin"

Get out the picture!! My latest!!

Your affectionate Cheche [?]