A Letter Written on Apr 27, 1919

South Hadley, Mass.
April 27, 1919.

Dearest Bub,

There has been much excitement up here over this week-end. Last Friday night was Amherst Glee Club and dance given here at the college. The Glee Club was middlin' but the the [sic] dancing afterward was great.

Then Saturday I went into Springfield to the theatre and in the evening attended the competitive sing at college. Congratulate us, Bub dear, for the Senior Class carried off the baton and won the honors. I never was so thrilled in my life. Never before have I seen such spirit shown as was last night. Every one was feeling gay & peppy.

Bub dear, there was one thing I can assure you of when you come up here. That your ride in a canoe will be perfectly safe & sane for the dumb lake isn't big enough to have a white cap on it! We can have few tho.

Now about having Ken come up. You just betcha. Bring him along with you. I would have asked him before had I known he were going to be back in time. He can go with Buddie (Anna Budd) my roommate. I was just going to write up to Law [?] and get him to come down but I'd three times rather Ken would come up. Let me know for sure just as soon as you know for a certainty that he can get there, will you, dear? Buddie will show him a right good time and she is a very fine girl, too. We can both plan some bats together in our spare time between affairs which will be gr-a-n-d!

Do you know just when Ken does get in? Give him the glad hand for me, won't you and tell him I'll be looking forward to seeing him soon.

Just another hint about the Senior dance. Flowers are in order, I think, for - our Freshman year at all the big dances they were in predominance.

Now about the trains. You take the train on the N.Y. N.H. & H. leaving Grand Central at 8 A.M. - you arrive at Springfield at 12.09. There you change and take the 12.25 for Holyoke; Reaching Holyoke at 12.44. Then I (& Buddie too if Ken comes) will be waiting at the station for you and if you haven't had your dinner and would like to have one, (I saught'a [sic] know your likes & dislikes along that line) why then, if you ask me too [sic], I'll go over to the one hotel we boast of in Holyoke and get a feed - see? Then after this one bit of the outer world consider yourself buried in South Hadley for the remainder of the few days.

Buy your ticket to Holyoke, Mass. You had better come up Parlor car if you don't want to get awfully dirty for it is quite a tiresome ride. Sometimes you can't get seats xcept [sic] in the coaches, however, unless you get them sometime ahead.

Now about going down - won't it be O.K. for you if you take a sleeper out of Springfield getting you in N.Y. at about seven Monday morning? Then you won't have to leave South Hadley until 9.30 or 10 o'clock that night.

I do hope I've answered all your questions, dear, if you have any others you just ask 'em and I'll do ma' darndest!

Well, dear, I must quit and do a bit of studying have had company for the past week and a half.

All my love,

P.S. I passed my pesky chem with flying colors! Give me a hip-hoold. [sic]