Sunday afternoon.
I was mighty glad to get your letter last week. I can just begin to imagine how excited you must have been to hear so unexpectedly from Ken.
I do sincerely hope he can get up to the dance for a certainty. Will you let me know as soon as possible whether he can come?
I am writing to Ken today and sending it to you to forward to him because I do not know what address to use.
Work has simply been piling up horribly lately. It doesn't seem as though I should be able to get it all done up in the few remaining weeks.
Yesterday was Mountain day and six of us walk the Holyoke Range a distance of twenty one miles. Then we came back and contrary to all the expectations of the rest of the girls felt "peppier" (if there is such a word) than we did when we started out. Today, it is just horribly warm - Regular spring weather, you know. Makes you feel like doing nothing but loll about.
Last week I received the blow of my life, Bub - It was pleasant, however. The superintendent of the Reformatory where I'm going wrote up and said they had decided to raise my salary five good bones per month. Pretty nice surprise, don't you think?
Let me tell you something funny that has happened. It has always been the custom up here for Seniors to lose their dignity (??) one day and jump rope with their caps & gowns on. Then the following day the Juniors spin their tops. Well, this year the Froshes tho't they would be fresh & play marbles on the next day. Well, we got wind of it and yesterday when the Freshmen were all off batting about the seniors & Juniors raided every single room on campus of the Freshmen & got all their marbles. So to-morrow when we jump off the senior steps we are going to run to the gym where the things [?] are kept hidden. Then we will meet the Junior class. Then we are going to beat it to the lake and throw them all in. Won't that be shwell! I'll wager there will be some rough house though.
Honestly, Bub dear, college has gotten just lots more peppy since the war and now I hate to leave the place.
Academically I'm doubly glad its [sic] all over -
Well, I must case and w. Ken's letter -
As ever,
Fran.P.S. don't forget to send me a card to let me know just when you leave N.Y. If that train I mentioned was O.K. please say so. So I shall know when to meet you.