363 Warburnton Ave.
Yonkers, N.Y.,
August 12, 1919.Dearest,
I just couldn't refrain from enclosing this perfectly ridiculous article that I clipped out of the newspaper tonight. [no longer with the letter]
Now here is some logic for you(?)! If "caveman courtship" is what this writer says, or perhaps better doesn't say,
whatit is; and if you say I like this sort of thing. Then - what am I? Now, answer this if you can.I couldn't help but laugh when I read this foolish stuff. Tell me what you think of it.
Yesterday, after coming home here one of the girls called me up and invited me out for dinner. I went but had to leave like a regular beggar directly after in order to "STUDY". Ever heard of that word before?
Then today Grace Barnes came for me in the car & we went driving. Incidentally, she told me she was going up to Saranac with me and we are going in the car. We are going to leave at five-thirty in the morning and make it all in one day - Just think how surprised Mother & Dad & Kid will be to see us sail in in Grace's car!
By the way, I received a card from Flora Tissot & she is at Plattsburg - Just fifty miles from us and is going to be there all summer - won't that be just grand?! I can see where Grace & Kid & I will be having some fine times together going back & forth.
Well, Bub dear, I guess I do not need to say that I just had the best time ever, do I? (Better English) When I was with you I was happy every minute of the time. Happiest, dear, when you were right beside me. I sure did hate to have Monday roll around. But then, the saying is pretty true, I guess "that all good things must come to an end!"
You tell Ken for me that he is the same "old Ken" in my estimation that he was before the war. Just has a few severe parisienne touches!
Well, dear, it is late so I must quit now -
Goodnight -
All my love,