Sleighton Farm,
Sept. 7, 1919.My dear sweetheart,
This can only be a short note to-night, dear, but you'll forgive me won't you dear? I'm awfully tired. Bub darling, do you know with no exaggeration I've been on the job steady since last Monday morning - Friday I went on at 6:30 A.M. and Saturday & Sunday 7:30 and quit at 8:30 so, by heck you know how I feel!
I've many interesting tales to tell, alright, dear when I see you - and when can I see you. I did not understand just when you are going to the shore - but let me tell you when I'm off!
I have arranged with Buddie already to visit her over next week-end as that is my time off - I'll arrive at her place in Philly Saturday after noon about 2:00 P.M. and will leave Philly on the 7:30 train Sunday night the 14th of Sept. If you could, dear, I wish you would come down to Philly for I do just long to see you, darling. Soon you are going to be way, way into New York, too.
Buddie was here over this last week-end and she said to tell Ken he is welcome, too, if he can come. You better plan to stay over night in Philly if you can -
Roland! If you were here I'd snap my fingers at you & say "Roland, spell writing!!" joke on you - bet you don't know how you did spell it. Bub darling, indeed I don't think your [sic] a "grandpop" telling me to be careful. Truly, dear, I appreciate it an awful lot and I'm glad you do advise me every once in a while for truly I need it at times.
So you had a regular dance did you with "Powlie" old girl? Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself! I hope you were good - ahem! Let me tell you of my frivolities! Edith McDowell has been over twice with her cousins & we've
wridden round a lot. They come over in the evenings - live only four miles from here -By the way she is going to write you a little informal invitation for the house-party over Thanksgiving time. She said something of asking Ken for Buddie but I don't know for sure -
Must quit & sleep - Rise at 6:30 A.M. gosh - how I would love a good sleep -
All my love,
Fran.Tell Ken I enjoyed his letter! Some envelope!! Remember me to your mother & father.