A Letter Written on Sep 25, 1917

165 Prince St.,
New York Sept. 25, 17

Dear Roland,

I just picked up your letter and thereon I found your address. Kindly pardon my tardiness but I am not wholly to blame as I mislaid one of your letters with your address on.

Now coming down to facts - How in - are you. "At-a-boy" - I heard you say "five". "And so do I." I saw Steve. He came over to New York for me and we went to see a show. I was over in Asbury Park for about a month and OH boy, what a time. Say bid, I hope that we could have three months of vacation four times a year. How did you enjoy your absence from prison (Fordham) I usually spel Fordham with a F liver and a big Ham.

Back to the old grind

Your old pal
Nicholas E. Rougette