Tues. Afternoon
Dear Patty:
Well I guess the big week-end is over by this time. How did things work out? Everything was sort of quite [sic] around here.
Friday night I started to clean but didn't get very far so I had all of it to do Saturday. Saturday night we had club at home and everyone was practically on a diet or something, we all must be getting old. I won second prize and Dad had a low of about 200. Sunday we had dinner at home and afterwards we went down to Westminster, of course Aunt Bertie didn't go along. We took their picture along and they were quite pleased with it. We didn't stay too long and were home by dark.
Last night we did the wash and set Grandma's hair. Tomorrow Dad has off again. Washington's Birthday. The weather is pretty here but it is cold.
We received your marks last Friday. Grandma got her birthday card okay and the idea was quite clever we also got our valentine, thanks for thinking of us. I gave Grandma a pair of pants, a necklace & bracelet. I guess I'll get Aunt Bertie a smock for her birthday. You'll have to send her a card too, March 21st.
Miss Hallock's mother died last week I cut out the clipping but have it at home, so will send it later.
Take care of yourself and keep out of mischief, say hello to Don and Judy.
Everyone is okay here.