A Letter Written on Mar 2, 1956

Friday Afternoon

Dear Patty:

You sure can crowd a lot of things in over a short period of time. Received your card yesterday and glad to hear you had a wonderful time. Couldn't exactly figure out about your glasses - being in Don's pocket and you sat on them. I didn't know he wore his pockets in his lap. Glad you were able to get them fixed so quickly. I guess you should have two pair, so you'd have an extra if you broke one pair. Glad to hear you have your script finished, did you take enough time to write it. Also glad to hear you're coming along so nicely on your quizzes. You'll make Mary's so and so's list yet if you keep up the good work. You should also receive special recognition in the Dramatic Club presentation this year, a pin or something?

When we got home yesterday we had a slip at the door telling us there was a package at the post office and we thought it might be your clothes but it turned out to be the fluid for daddy's developing colored pictures. What a mess! The developing sure details a lot of things, I don't think he'll be doing too much of it.

Tuesday night I went to class meeting. We're getting ready for a Hobby Show and lunch on the 13th of April. Guess who's chairman? We're redecorating the church, painting it, etc.

Wednesday night I worked on Ceramics and Dad did printing of the pictures he took Tuesday night of me for different openings & settings of the camera. Boy I sure look like Dad was a Lion scaring me. I'm just not the photographic type.

Last night was grocery night and I fooled with ceramics for awhile. Sat. night we hope to have club at the Horne's.

Everyone is okay here and for goodness sake don't overdo yourself. Sue Horne is flying out to Calif for the Easter holidays and Dad's betting her mother that she gets married.

Have fun and say hello to Don & Judy. Did you get your candy Grandma sent you. She's been looking for a letter from you. See you soon.
