A Letter Written on Feb 26, 1958

Wed. Afternoon

Dear Pat:

Received the two rolls of film Monday, but no letter? Dad has them developed and I guess he will start printing them tonight. He was sort of lost for the past several weeks with nothing to do. We thought that maybe you were printing them at school.

Sorry to hear that you finally decided to drop your art, the replacement doesn't sound a bit interesting.

Bertie's boss says that Madison Wis. is one of the coldest cities in the U. S. and that you'd need red flannels to live there.

The last two days have been warmer here, but it's to rain tonight again.

During the snowy season Kim didn't go out. So she took her exercise in the living room every night. She'd run back and forth, up and over the furniture and catch balls and have a grand time. lately there's been several cats coming around too and if she knows that they're out she stays in, she [is] anti-social. Last night there was a strange one around and she was hiding and dad had to go out and get her with the flash light.

We were at Peg's last week for club and this week we have club. The Rhoades are going to be our guests for Sunday dinner again. Jan'e [sic] going to the hospital on Saturday for a slight operation. She expects to only stay the day.

Tomorrow night I [am] taking Grandma, Mary and Peg to the Y.W.C. Fashion show and card party at the nurses home.

How's the play coming along?

We haven't been doing very much lately, but listening to television. I've gotten so lazy and havn't [sic] worked on my ceramics for awhile. I did finish the camel though last week, but I didn't fire it as yet.

I did find out something nice though this week, I get three wekes [sic] vacation this year, instead of two. I'm also doing the payroll for harold [sic], as he's planning to go on a vacation to Florida for several weeks and I have to do his payroll for him.

Everyone is okay here.

How's your breaking out? If you still have it I think you should go to the doctor again.

Take care of yourself. When will you be home for Spring vacation?


What do you want for your birthday?

[Two students at Wellesley College with York hometown roots are in the production staff of "The Importance of Being Earnest" at Wellesley: Ellen Squair and Judith Stauffer.]

["Final Semester Subtleties" - mom sends an article about teachers' salaries in the York Suburban School district, probably implying that it would be good for Pat to come back to York after graduating from Mount Holyoke and become a teacher. Only the first part of the article is scanned, but the whole article was included in the letter.]