A Letter Written on Mar 21, 1955

Monday Afternoon

Dear Pat:.

All packed and ready to go? Be sure to take rain or snow gear along with you to N. Y., as it gets awfully nasty if it rains or snows there. Keep your feet and head dry.

A Henry Frank or Frank Henry from the county called about your play and said that Balto. playhouse needed a children's play and he thought yours might do. So you better bring a copy along home with you, you're to call him when you get home. I think it's the same guy that contacted you before, Dad took the message and I forgot to get the correct name.

We still haven't heard about your plans yet, but maybe a letter is at home now. Daddy will be in Harrisburg Monday, Tues. and Wed. during the day, this week.

Get yourself a Mt. Holyoke charm, if you want one to put on your charm bracelet and bring it along and Mr. Mehl will attach it, plus any of the other medals or awards that you got. and if you see anything in N.Y. for your birthday, get it and I'll pay you when you get home. I don't know what to get you. I thought you also might like a mask charm, but I don't see any here in town, maybe you can pick one up in N. Y. You know tradegy [sic] and the other whosisit. You better eat your big meal at noon Thurs, as you may not have time to get more than lunch between show and train in the evening.

If Judy would like some violets for her mother, we can bring them along back, but you better check with her first.

Now don't forget to be careful and don't run around by yourself at night and stay out of the village at night and only go there during the day if there are several to go with you.

Have a nice time in N. Y. and be careful. See you soon.
