A Letter Written on May 28, 1958

Wednesday Aft.

Dear Pat:

Well time is drawing nearer and nearer. I sure hope the traffic is not too heavy Friday.

Enclosed are a few clippings that I've been cutting out for the past few days.

We got an announcement from Ann Sharkey yesterday I guess you should receipicate [sic] and send them one. Are you only allowed 6 announcements. The Sharkeys expect to be in town over this week-end, but not Ann. Ann graduates next week-end.

We still have quite a bit of work to do before Friday. I have to clean tonight and do the washing.

Edward is going to come out and fed [sic] Kim once a day. We thought she would like to stay at home better than go to the Vets. since it will be such a long stay. I just hope she don't get out for Ed. or doesn't vomit. She did that last night, she might have a fur ball again.

Everyone is well and ready to come, so you take care of yourself and we'll see you sometime Friday, I hope.


By the way did you attend to your last polio shot. You musn't [sic] neglect that. You can get it after seven months.

Graduation of Thomas Hannigan from Notre Dame, death of Leonard Gillespie,
Graduations of Naomi Markowitz from Sarah Lawrence, Cynthia Stauffer from Connecticut College,
Jane Thornton from Barnard, and Patsy Ann Lauer from Cedar Crest

Joan Terpak and Betsy Ernst win Miss Y-Teen; Margaret Cohen graduates from Wellesley