A Letter Written on Mar 6, 1957

Wed morning

Dear Patty

Hear [sic] we go again this morning to say Hello I guess. Hope you are well. Was glad to hear you went to the Dance the change dose [sic] you good. Judie Marshall['s] mother is hear [sic] at Daisy Spanglers I saw her and her Dad last night and they ask about you.

Bert pass[ed] away Wed morning at 2 o'clock he is sick for about a month I guess[.] But he had been ailing for some time. They said he had what Grandpa had so you know the rest, he could not get well.

Judie['s] mother said she is taking up art know. [sic]

They say the robins are hear [sic] Mrs Free saw one yesterday morning so I guess it will so[on] be spring I think it a little snapy [sic] this morning[.] Did you get your cake and candy. I hope it was not stale for you. Well I guess they will soon be for me so I have to say good by take care of your self and may God bless you[.]

Yours truly