A Letter Written on May 22, 1957

Wed morning

Dear Patty:

I guess you think I have forgoten [sic] you but have not. Have been kept busy. Whitch [sic] I guess you are taking exams. I wish you very good luck. Was very disapointed [sic] to hear you won't be home this summer. But I guess you a[re] very happy that you got the work to do, which is in your line. Well I guess thing[s] work out that way which I hope for the best we never know. Mother & Dad went to a Banquet last night which they had a very nice time so they said. Mother had the entertainment so you know she is good. We got some house cleaning done on last Saturday. We went to Baltimore last Sunday to see Lurlie she is in the Hospital, and was operated on Monday, and she is not going to get well, expect bad news any time. It just [is] one of those things we never know who [is] going to be next.

Well we are still having cold weather hear. [sic] But I guess it [is] the same their [sic] too. Well I guess this will be the last letter for [you] up their [sic] will be looking for you home before long so take care of your self till I see you. So I have to say good bye and may God bless you.

Yours truly