Friday Afternoon
Dear Pat:
Well how are things going by this time, back in the swing again? Has Judy&s [sic] brother been over to see you yet and how did things go. I hope you took the trouble to dress up a bit. And how's the other lad coming?
It has gotten a little colded [sic] here again after two days of rainy weather. Are they ice skating yet and have you tried it as yet?
We got your other application in the mail last night, probably the two crossed in the mail. I mean the one daddy sent to you first and the one you sent to us. Daddy also mailed the other one right back to you last night. He doesn't think they have anyone working as extra help in the lab theatre. Do they?
Since you have all that money with you don't go on any sprees and spend it just because you have it, as it represents your own money and when that goes you won't have any more, or do you have some extra stached [sic] away some where. In other words be a little careful as that should last you for the rest of the year and maybe some left over.
We finally got all the Christmas decorations put away and the living room sure looks bare.
I got your jumper and blouse yesterday. They didn't do to[o] good a job on the blouse but I guess they couldn't get the stains out. I'll send it some time over the week-end.
Have you started to study for your exams yet. I hope and pray you sure get along fine with them, as I guess that will show how you're making out and they'll probably count the results of these tests as your first marks. Don't let social life interfer [sic] too much with your studies, but I know you won't.
Aunt Bertie said you were going to get the boys some of Mt. Holyoke mugs. Well don't as they would be too frail for them, as they easily chip and wouldn't last. You can make them some from ceramics when you're at home and they won't cost you as much. You know something like your clown mug, they'll probably appreciate one like that better anyway.
Last night we had club at Mae's and I won. Well anyway I started the new year right by winning.
Jack's had a sale and I bought a yellow jersey blouse this noon and I want to go back tonight to look some more when I have more time, as they had a cute skirt on sale, but probably till I get back it will be sold.
We'll try to get a food package off to you next week sometime, that okay?
I'm feeling okay again I guess it was just the extra rich food at Christmas. Thank goodness it only comes once a year.
Take care of yourself and let us hear from you soon.