Saturday morning
Dear Pat,
I got your letter yesterday it sounds like your [sic] back to the grind (I'm so tired). It took me several day[s] to get adjusted again, but now everything is back to normal.
Just think no snow! It hasn't snowed since we got back it just doesn't seem right. I would have to miss all the fun out of Dot's O well there will be other times. All in all I think we had a wonderful vacation don't you? It just seemed to go so rapidly. Did you decide what we're going to give Dot? I think I will go out to see her when I'm home between semesters.
Yesterday we got the information on our exams mine are the 20th, 21st, 22st [sic], 24th, and 25th. I'm going home the 26th I think by that time I'll need the rest. I wish you were coming home.
I know this note sounds disjointed but I can't seem to organize my thoughts today.
All my love,
Philip[on reverse side:]