A Letter Written on May 20, 1955


Hi Pat:

Well thank you so much for the birthday gift. It came yesterday and we almost missed it, as it was hiding behind the door and I didn't see it until after supper. It was a nice surprise. Did you get your dress as yet?

I guess you're kept pretty busy with all the exams coming up. Lots of luck on them. You better carry your rabbits foot along with you this time. I'M [sic] hoping you come up with most 2's this time.

We went out to the new A & P last night for our shopping and oh brother everyone and his brother were there too. The aisles were so crowded with people waiting to get checked out that you couldn't push your cart through to buy. Bob and Jack Voohman were the checkers that we hit. Quite a few of the old help is now located out there.

I bought you another blouse last night at the Red lIon [sic] Hosiery, also myself two and a slip. I won't send it to you though, but keep it for home. Its [sic] a Apricot and white stripped [sic] one. I thought you could wear it with your new skirt.

We were cleaning up in the attic Wednesday and oh boy what a job. Just be sure you have an attic when you get married, as we have enough of your stuff to fill it now. About four boxes of stuffed toys and three of dolls. and a bunch of just junk. You should go through the stuff and get rid of a lot.

I think Dad and I will go see the Prodigal tonight after work and then to the attic again.

Cole was in talking to me again about Allenberry, He's been rehearsing up there this week. The meals are about $12. a week if you take it by the week.

Everyone is okay here, how about you. See you soon. I have lots of work to do so I'll have to stop now.
