A Letter Written on May 24, 1956


Dear Pat,

Here are some accumulated checks. [no longer with the letter] Don't spend them all. We are very busy. Mother is housecleaning. I am starting to paint outside. All I got done so far is paint a few screens. Too cold to do much work on the house in the evenings.

Shall we bring empty cartons along when we come to fetch you? Give my [sic] an idea what you will have to bring home so I know whether to rent a trailer or buy a cartop carrier. Of course, I'll leave the back seat out of the car so don't contract to haul anybody along.

I got some of my pictures back that I took on Parents Day. I was a little disappointed because the telescope attachment causes some vignetting on the slides -- blocks out the corners. The knuckleheads in Baltimore aggravated the situation by cutting the film at the wrong place so that each slide has all the blocked out portion on one side. Makes the picture look like it was taken way off center. I sent the next roll to Pavelle. Hope they do a better job.

The condition probably is caused by the fact that the camera lens is set down inside pretty deep unlike many cameras where it is almost flush with edge of the lensmount. If the auxiliary lens is not close against the camera lens, you tend to lose the corners. It won't matter much on black and white because you seldom use the whole negative area in printing anyway. If you have taken any flash pictures, I hope you remembered to set the camera on M rather than X. Otherwise, your flash was all gone before the shutter opened -- or vice versa.

Get rested up so you can help with the housecleaning when you get home.
