Tuesday morning
Dear Patty:
I have been very busy over the week end and tired and did not write till now[.] Hope you get it before you leave. I was try[ing] to clean and painting the porch floor and a little hear and their. [sic] It dont [sic] go so fast anymore. Well I will have to explain to you when you get home what the Dr said but the way mother told you I think it was right nothing to worrie [sic] about I hope. It is raining hear [sic] this morning. We had a nice day yesterday but an awfull [sic] storm Sunday we took flowers to the cemetrary [sic] on Sunday and I guess the storm had them all blown away. Well we have to take it as it comes.
Well I guess you are all pack[ed] ready to come home. Mr. Sivers [sic] said Phila [sic] was coming last Sat. night. But had to come home alone, this time he did not like it very much that his dad. [sic] I did not have time to finish this before I came to work so I am doing it know. [sic]
Well I guess this is all for this time[.] So I have to say good by and May God bless you.
Yours truly