A Letter Written on Apr 18, 1956


Dear Patty

I am writing you a fue [sic] lines before I go to work it [is] almost time for me to go, have been very busy at home and at the store too. I guess you are too, by what Mother tells me, by your letter.

Guess you are getting ready for the spring show. Hope it warms up a little I guess when it comes it [will] be very hot. Did you get your boxes and all the other things they sent you I guess you got your Dad['s] letter by this time that he wrote Sunday. Did not get any think [sic] done out side yet it [has] been to[o] cold.

We are getting Mothers [sic] dresses fix[ed] so she will have them when she wants them. Well I guess this is all for this time[.] So I say good-by and May God bless you[.]

Yours truly