A Letter Written around Nov 7, 1955

Dear little weeds [one of which was Pat Feiser],

Methinks, it would be easier to start a newspaper than get all these sheets in but I'll strive onward.ever. Nasty rumors are about that Tor made 4th. Realize dear childern [sic] his age and be glad he even placed. However, the next week he WAS AWARDED FIRST. and the following week 3rd now he wont [sic] be shown until hes [sic] 7 months. Up to now hes [sic] been the youngest dog entered. He also went to his first Halloween party t'other night - as a sheep nope thats [sic] wrong, as a wolf in sheeps [sic] clothing. Hes [sic] not very sociable as yet and acted sheepish all night so I gave up in disgust. If hes [sic] invited to any more parties hes [sic] gonna have to brush up on Amy Vanderbilt or he cant [sic] go with me.

Cotton Lawyer has cancer. Bob Leeper leaves for Thailand in 6 weeks about and Jack had a boy what they named Kim. Stepping Out is driving me batty. I have a part in a skit which is most corny and a solo. At the rate they go I'd rather stay home. I think I'll retire from public life. To-night is the Halloween parade, and Janies [sic] birthday. and Tobe had his checkup with Pewterbau this after, and he says hes [sic] too fat, that he'll play end on the football team and Tobe told him he didn't want to play football, he wanted to build rockets and live in space. Tor now looks like a damned pape. [sic] He got his rabies shot the other night, and they put a cross on his collar, like a medal, saying hes [sic] a registered rabier.

Two bums came Halloweening t'other night, and took something of everything we offered, fudge apples cookies, when they asked for beer I realized they couldn't be anyone but those drunken neighbors of ours.

Tobe weighs 57 and the dog weighs 67. Now with Herb Anderson dead, you can well imagine who will get the office. for my solo I'm practicing A good man is hard to find and its me. I cant decide which.

This will shock most all reading this but Patricia is still alive, I got a note from her, didn8t [sic] say anything of course but where theres [sic] life....

Mase describes Flosses nose - as eaten off by leprosy and someone tried to patch it back to-gether. you can see straight thru her nostrils to the back of her head. Now really, it isn't that bad. Natch, its [sic] a bit pug, but I think it will come down eventually. It takes about 6-8 weeks for the swelling to go out of it.

Two of the furnitures in the parlor got new faces, then I brot the old Gaugain from the attic and painted the frame red, it looked awful now its [sic] painted black, that too looks awful, any suggestions?

I'm a making a running visit to the farm to show Tiger, Pierce Dunkleberger and Stella, Uncle Abes place. Tiger needs an oil for above his mantle. Mase bot one of those radio things that goes dit dit da da dit dit in a high voice all the time and hes [sic] going to become a ham, notice the tense[.]

Criticism was varied from the last little theatre play, and with king of hearts coming up, george [sic] Stallman, joe black, I might usher[.]

Peg has a new station wagon but Betty still has Gunnar. There are no more dog shows for T or until the end of November so you all can relax for a wlie. [sic] I think his next one hits the week after I'm home from the hospital. They havent [sic] paved our alley yet so if Fred Schiding isn't the next mayor you'll know whose vote made him lose. Hes [sic] head of public highways now. Chotsie Brougher is fragrant again, she lost 16 decibels 5 years ago when she had Peter, so shes [sic] afraid comes [sic] June she'll be stone deaf. And she wants to take her mutt Andrew to school with Tor, shes [sic] general chairman of stepping out all the same creeps are in it as before and its [sic] the same idea, thats [sic] all the latest news, not much, fetch over during the holidays and get us decorated for the holidays.

[the previous was a carbon letter; the rest is handwritten]

I'd be delighted to have a get together for Judy et lo. - give me a date.

they paved our alley!

I gimped a collar for Tor and am now making a chain.

Write you fat head


The boys can now ride bicycles - thats [sic] an achievement Leonard can't! - Leonard won't be able to play the piano after I'm finished with him either - He also has a job!