Tuesday afternoon
Dear Patty:
Here I thought I would get to write a lot sooner, but things have been piled up both at home and at the office, since our return.
On our way back to N.Y. we stopped at the shopping center, and boy is that something. You only see about 1/3 passing by. They have a tremendous amount of stores there, even a [sic] H. & H. retail store. I bet you didn't know that. You forgot to stop on the way out of N. Y. Daddy stopped and got a loaf of bread. They also have an H. & H. restaurant there that have [sic] waitresses.
We checked out of the hotel about 11 and then went to Radio City. The movie and stage show were very dull, I almost went to sleep, during both. After that we had dinner at Whities and then went shopping, unil [sic] around 6 and left N. Y. around 7. and got home around 11:30.
Saturday it rained all day, until evening. We sacked in late and went to market and the stores. No sooner got home than grandma called and I had to take her to the store. We went to club Saturday night at Horne's[.] We forgot to get you some apples to take along. We'll have to get some for Thanksgiving. Sunday we worked out doors all day, daddy cut the lawn, I raked it and cut it again, and I'm still stiff from it. Grand-ma was down and was pulling weeds out here and there.
Monday I had the usual two days work to do plus a lot of odds and ends to clean up from the days I was off. Dorothy did pretty good though. I'm going to class meeting tonight, I guess I shouldn't go because I haven't been in S.S. for about two months.
Have you got your room settled as yet. I hated to leave you in such distress, but I thought maybe you and Judy could get together better if we left. I hope you two didn't forget to register. I worried about that all that day. You two are so lame brained. If you can't get any other drapes, why not send to Montogomery [sic] and Ward for some chenille drapes, I thing [sic] they make nice ones.
I forgot to take your rubbers out, so I'Ll [sic]have to send them to you. We should soon have a big enough box full of stuff, with the things we forgot to let and the accumulation of things here. If you want anything let us know right off. I'm enclosing the checks we promised to send you. [no longer with the letter]
I forgot to bring your jumper along, I believe it will be alright for you to wear until you come home at Thanksgiving, [sic] It isn't that much too long.
When your campussing deal is off, I still think it would be a good idea not to subject yourself to the polio situation, by going around to the other places, I'd wait until the epidemic subsides a great deal. Especially keep away from Amherst. That will be a pill won't it, but you may be glad later on.
Do you want the paper again this year. Let me know and I'll have it started. I guess we'll have to pay for it this year, I don't imagine they'll give it to you another year.
Did Judy decide on her blouse as yet?
I'm getting busy again, will write you again later this week. Grandma is looking for a letter, so are we, telling us how everything is and about your studies.
[unsigned, but sent by Pat's mother]
P. S. Keep your spread and drapes and we'll pick them up, if we bring you back at Thanksgiving. Also keep your radio carton, don't let Judy throw that one away.
By the way did you take my Lester G. Sell, white automatic pencil with you?
[A card sent to Pat on Sep 21, 1955 about a fencing class at the YMCA; mother added an inscription: "The only mail you received at home"]