A Letter Written on Apr 8, 1956

April 8 1956

Dear Patty:-

Here I thought I would get to write a lot sooner, but things have been piled up both at home and at the office, since our return.

I guess you are back in the harness again working very hard. Now do be carefull. [sic]

Well we got winter back to day it was trying to snow this morning again, we certainly have lots of rain this week although I am glad for it I put lime on my grass and the rain came very good. Mother and Dad where hear [sic] for dinner to-day.

I am sending you a cliping [sic] out of the paper about Sidney Cohen, and a paper. [no longer with the letter] Some of the folk you know. The Cohen where [sic] here last Sunday when we where [sic] down to your house. They came to the anouncement [sic] of the marquetity [sic] boy anouncement [sic] of his wedding. But did not see them at all the Reitz told me their [sic] were hear [sic]. Mother was just up and put up my hair & Dad is printing pictures for Friday night at the church for a hobby show. Mother is making a sign & painting it. She [has] been very busy geting [sic] ready for it. She got your letter. Well I guess I told you all so I say good night & may God bless you

Yours truly