A Letter Written on May 20, 1958


Dear Pat,

Finally got around to tabulating your expense cards so here are the checks. [no longer with the letter] I made a reservation at the Holiday Motel, 1254 Riverdale Street, West Springfield. That's on the raod [sic] between Holyoke and W. Springfield, Tel. REpublic 2-2382. Staying there Friday and Saturday nights. Don't know about Sunday yet. Figure it will take more than a day to drive home so would like to get a start Sunday, anyway. We have to drive home the long way and haul a trailer so it will take plenty long.

I am renting an enclosed U-Haul traler [sic] at the place across the road from the motel. It is a "utility van" type, 4' wide, 7' long and 5 1/2' high. It will not hold all your things and loading the remainder into the car will be a real problem. Aunt Bertie wants to come along so some people are going to have to come home by train or else we'll have to drive off and leave some of your belongings on the curb.

We will try to get up in time for the play Friday night but you know what Memorial Day traffic might be. Anyway, don't expect me to sit thru the play again.

I finished painting the living room, stairway and hall. Mother is pretty well along with the house work - - house cleaning that is. Holiday today so she took off her day's vacation she had coming and we both worked. I washed the windows outside, exchanging the storm windows for screens while she house cleaned. Then I took the car for state inspection. Cost $18.00 because the brakes needed religning. Saturday I must take it back to Bob Heindel to have the radiator taken off and repaired. That will be another $20 or $25. And you want to run a car!

Hope you come thru exams all right. See you soon.


Marriage announcement for Virginia Klussman and Richard Hummel; Joan Terpak wins freedom of the press essay contest; advertisement for a butterfly chair