A Letter Written on Jan 11, 1956

Wednesday evening

Dear Pat,

Please thank Judy for sending the letter. If it wern't [sic] for her I probably wouldn't have heard from you for months. Tell her to get pinned as soon as she likes, after all we're only young once and love must be given its chance.

It really seemed strange to be back to the old routine after that wonderful vacation. Everyone in the gang got along so well it was almost like old times. I hope Joanie has recovered from her ailing back.

The day before yesterday the damn janitors came in and took our rugs. Bill went to see the dean about it and almost got kicked out. It was just like living in a basement with those cold tile floors so yesterday we went shopping and bought our own rugs. I'd like to see them try to take them, of course I'm broke now for the next month.

My finals come at such dumb times I won't be able to come home between semesters. How I'll last here till April is more than I'll ever know. The funny thing is I just don't give a damn about the finals and that just isn't me. The eternal struggle must be having its effect. Of course now I'm living on the pleasant memories of vacation. I'll never even approach normal again.

It's dream time so:

All my love