A Letter Written on Feb 2, 1956

Thursday Afternoon

Dear Pat.

We got your letter yesterday and don't bother to send them air mail, as they always arrive a day later than by regular mail, you figure it out. Did you hear whether they got your paper on time, if you sent that air mail it probably arrived a day late. We also receive[d] a nice note from Don, Ill [sic] mail it to you after Grandma reads it. We thought he was a real nice boy, probably too good to last, but that part will be your problem, remember I told you someday you might get the run around like you give Phil, so don't be too heart broken. I agree he would be rather nice to hold on to, especially since he likes to cook and wash dishes, as you don't. He can also make a nice bed. And he is very neat, which you're going to have to brush up on and take some interest in clothing and not just slap anything on, as that is one thing that helps to attract. You can be nice but they also want someone who is attractive and neat, so perk up.

We sent your box the other day and I guess you received it by now. The Cuticure soap and ointment were grandma's idea. You must use a good lather on your face and I noticed you at home and you didn't put enought [sic] soap on the wash cloth. You lather and wash your face good and then use the ointment and let it on all night, it's supposed to clear out the pores. You might give it a try. We sent you[r] bath brush off today, in fact, we didn't even notice it or I would have included it in the box.

After we put you on the train, we sent [sic] to Howard Johnson's and had dinner. It wasn't as good as usual and as we were pulling up Grandma made the remark that she had heard they were going down in reputation and not serving as good a dinner, well it sure wasn't crowded. I wish we would have gone to the glass slipper, but we didn't think about it in time. We got home okay and daddy spent the rest of the afternoon and eveing [sic] doing pictures. The copies were sort of light and he didn't know what he did wrong, he used your nice rough paper and made enlargements and dryer. The enlargements were okay only a little light and the dryer works fine. You'll have to get him to reimburse you. We ate supper then up at grandma's and didn't get home until about 10 O'clock. [sic]

Can't remember what I did Monday night, but I went somewhere and did something. Oh I know, I did the washing, but a thought.

Tuesday night Grandma and I ate supper in town and went to see Guys and Dolls, I believe I enjoyed the play a lot better, the songs seemed to be better.

Last night we had a 19M31 class meeting about the reunion and we didn't get much accomplished there except we're going to have it at the Lincoln Woods on the 30th of June.

I have been feeling better the last few days and keeping my fingers crossed. Won't go to the doctor's until the next attack, let's hope there isn't any. Say hello to Judy and Don when you see them and take good care of yourself and I must get back to work. How'dyou [sic] make out on your exams, or havn't [sic] you heard as yet. It snowed here last night and raining all day, which is a good thing, as it has taken most of the snow away. Be good and we'll see you real soon.


[News about Alvin Wile, Jane Thornton, and the York Little Theatre]