A Letter Written on Jan 20, 1958

York, Penna.

Late Monday eve.

Dear Patty:

As I just got done my work hear [sic] at home, I was cleaning up the house. I am off know Monday's. [sic] Well I guess I will finish this too [sic] you. Mother & Dad came and took me down for supper & then I washed my hair and look[ed] at T.V. awhile and know [sic] I am home. Mother & Dad where [sic] up to Janes [sic] yesterday and they had a nice day to go and they enjoyed it very much Dad took some pictures and he is working on them to-night I kept Kim. I am haveing [sic] the crowd hear [sic] at my place Sat night about 12. So it will kept [sic] me busy getting ready for then. Mother said you may be home this week end, but have not heard anythink [sic] from you. Guess you are kept very busy getting ready for your exams, hope you make out alright[.]

It has been very cold hear [sic] all last week and we had some snow but not very much I guess you have a lot of it up their. [sic] We are getting some very pretty dresses in but they are all sheak. [sic] I got my self one, how do you like the new stiles [sic] I think some of them are very pretty.

I was out Baby sitting on Sat night had to keep two little boy[s] and where [sic] they live wires they must of [sic] been 3-4 years old but they seam [sic] to be very nice people they likved on Marshall street, below Phila St near Wayne Ave.

Well I am getting a little sleepy So I guess I will have to bring this to a close So I say good-bye, and May God bless you.

Yours truly