A Letter Written on Mar 20, 1955


Dear Patty

I can't hardly wait till you come home I am home sick to see you. So be carefull [sic] and dont [sic] get sick again and then you won't be able to come home. It has gotton [sic] colder hear [sic] we had snow Thurs or Friday morning but did not last long[.]

I guess you have every think planed [sic] for when you come home. Mother said some of the folks are home all ready [sic] from college. Happy birthday I guess you wont [sic] be home on your birthday the way you say would of [sic] sent you a cake if I would of [sic] thought of it sooner but it was to[o] late to send it Monday So you will have to take one back with you.

Just came up from you[r] Mother's we both wash our hair to-day[.]

Well I hope to see you soon So I will say good night and may God bless you[.]

Yours truly