A Letter Written on Jan 4, 1955

Tuesday Night

Hi Honey:

Well are you all settled by this time. I hope you found you didn't have any Physics to do last night and could go to bed early, did you?

We got back to York about 11:15, so I worked until 6:30, I even outworked Harold. I ate light yesterday and about afternoon I began to feel better and today I feel much much better. I guess I can't stand this high holiday eating. I'm also back to my previous weight of 139 pounds so I also lost my holiday spread.

I took your jumper and waist to the cleaners today and will be able to pick them up Thurs.

Dad and I took the Xmas tree down tonight my job being to take off the tinsel. Maybe you thought you didn't have much on but try and take it off and it seems quite different.

You mentioned about one of your flowers dyeing [sic]. Which one, your violet or asst. dish. I guess they didn't take too good a care of them.

Have you found out who your ride was yet? a new assistant or just an old hand?

I guess this is all for this time will write later in the week.


Did you miss anything as yet? What did the girls think of your musical doggie?

[on a separate sheet]

Dear Pat,

Here you are. Complete the work application, make the necessary notation on the Application for Scholarship Aid under Item 2 and rush it to the Committee on Scholarships, Miss Cameron, et al, not to mention Mrs. Rymer, Executive Secretary. (Could that be our little Miss Rigby?)
