Sunday evening
Dear Pat,
I don't know why I bother asking you questions in letters. Seems you write letters, not answer letters. We still don't know whether you received, intact, the things we sent in the bike carton. I finally received the literature anent the bike. Must remember to enclose it in this letter. Note that the machine must be lubricated fortnightly. Else you may come a cropper. Note, too, the proper position of the control chain where it goes in the sprocket. This may be out of adjustment due to stretching of the wire and seating of the cones or bushings and may be the cause of your high gear not meshing properly. Better check it as soon as possible because it can be ruined if let go. Be sure to hang on to the instructions and parts list. If I ever have to take the bike apart for transporting, I will need them.
I see you are retrogressing nicely in Physics. Is your instructor really helpful when you discuss the subject out of the regular class period? By the way, what is his other name (besides Peepers)? We would like toknow [sic] who your other instructors are, too. I assume the [sic] your Math teacher is Dr. Grace Elizabeth Bates, Associate Prof.; your English instructor is Assistant Professor Constance Meadnis Saintongue (wife of the French Professor, I presume). Can't find your French Prof in the 52-53 Catalogue. Must be new. Whom do you work with at Lab Theatre? Please furnish the numbers of your courses so we can tell what you are taking. Peg says you should have taken Astronomy for your Science, its [sic] a snap. Now she tells you.
TV had a special program Wed night in place of the fight. "Man who came to dinner." with Monty Wooley, Merle Oberon, Joan Bennet, Zasu Pitts, Reginal Gardiner, Bert Lahr, etc. Live, and in color, if you are lucky enough to have a color receiver. Old as that play is, it still packs a big punch, especially with a dream cast like that.
I was trying to find one of our programs of "My Three Angels" to see whether the youngest Angel, whom we saw in the "Rainmaker" on TV is the same guy who landed the part in the stage version, now trying out in Philadelphia. It's McGavin, or something like that and I'm sure that was the boy in "MY [sic] Three Angels."
We were in Phila. on Tuesday for shopping. "Fanny" just opened that day, evening performance only, so I didn't even try for a seat.
We had a very untidy visitor
yesterdayFriday, name of Hazel. She left things in a mess. No real damage to our place, just broke over the rose arbor and tore the lead-in wire for the TV> We don't use the aerial anyway, so it wouldn't have matterd [sic] if the whole thing was blown down. Current was off from about 5 P.M. to midnight. Some people are still without current. Didn't go on across the street until Saturday evening. Mother sent you Saturday's paper because they didn't mail them outside the county. There haven't been so many people go to bed before 9:00 o'clock in York for years. No lights, radio or television and with conversation a lost art, what else could they do?Love,
We just finished packing a carton so I decided to put the bike literature in the package instead of with this letter. Don't throw it out with the waste paper. Also find a blouse wrapped in tissue paper that looks like mere packing. Also a coupla more pop corn packages. F'goodness sake, keep shaking it next time like it says in the directions. Have fun!Dad