Thursday Afternoon
Dear Pat:
It sure was nice to have you home again, the only thing, we didn't see enough of you, but I guess that was to be expected, since you had such a short time off. Judy was a lovely girl and I'm glad you have her for a friend. She's welcome to come home with you anytime. She also seems to have a lovely mother.
I'm sure Grandma and Aunt Bertie sure enjoyed their trip to college. They haven't got thru talking about it as yet. I'm glad we decided to some [sic] back in the morning, as they couldn't see very much at night and after coming that long a way, I thought they should see it in the day. It sure is a nice place and I'm so glad you picked Mt. Hoy. [sic] instead of Smith.
After leaving you we headed for N. Y. and arrived there to go shopping at 2:p.m. I drove so I pushed the peddle down a little hard, as I wanted Aunt Bertie to see N. Y., as she hasn't been there for many years. I think we played her out, going from store to store. The stores were beautiful and very crowed. [sic] She said she couldn't work in such conditions. She went up and down more steps that day than she had in years. We were in Macy's Sac's -34th- Gimbels and Ohrbach. and in every one she went thru every dress in her size. Finally in Ohrbach's she bought two gray skirt[s], a red one which I will send to you. I din't [sic] get anything as I didn't have time to look for myself, Aunt Bertie was too busy. After shopping we took the subway up to White's and had fish there. Then back to the car and we left N.Y. about 7:30p.m. and arrived home about 12;15. [sic] On the way home we stopped several times to get something to drink, I did most of the driving until Brandywine, when I couldn't hold my eyes open any longer, then daddy took over. I think we made pretty good time. Daddy says he don't mind coming to N. Y., since we have the Turnpike to go over. He says maybe he'll take his last day off and come over to N.Y. when you get there, we'll have to see and let you know later.
I haven't done any cleaning since I've come home, as I had class meeting Tuesday night, our Xmas party. and last night we took Grandma Feiser and used the passes at the Southern and saw Pfttt. It was right funny. Tonight I have club and oh, by the way Uncle Ivan died Tues. night at 1:30 a.m. and his viewing is tonight, which we will go to. He gets buried tomorrow.
I have been very busy at the office, you might know I just got finished the work for November and now I have to start with Dec. On the first we had a special supplement which I guess you didn't get. The paper was 80 pages, so I have a lot of work to do. I just got finished my monthly bills yesterday.
Right now it is snowing large flaked, [sic] It hasn't started to lay as yet. This morning there was a thin covering of snow on the ground, but that also has melted. I'm afraid one of these times, it's going to be a nice deep one.
Take good care of yourself and daddy is going to write you about coming home and getting your ticket. I hope you have your bit theme hald [sic] finished by this time.