A Letter Written on Apr 3, 1957


Dear Patty

Well I guess you are all back in the harnace [sic] and working hard again. Glad to hear the play went over big, and you got back to college safe with all your longage. [sic] Well yesterday is warm and to day it [is] cold it [is] up and down all the time and lots of rain.

Well we have to be pleased for we can't do any think [sic] about it we must take it as it comes. Sellman & Lurlie were up on Sunday they have not been hear [sic] since early last fall.

Well I made you a cake yesterday and it ran all out of the pans over the stove. So I made you another this morning and it behaved better. We'll get it ready so they can send it to-day if the[y] get to it so you will try and get it by Saturday. We had a big fire while Dad & Mother [were] gone in town up neit [sic] to Brook Hotel the resturant [sic], & store, and the cute jewelry store. Quite a mess; & yesterday they said some one put a bum in the cathical [sic] school[.] So they got the children all out and went thru the builden [sic] but they did not find any. Oh well such is life. I must go to work to day at 4 o'clock and work to night. Well Dad has his new developer all ready to go it certainly is nice. He has not tryed [sic] it out yet. Well I guess this is all for know. [sic] So I have to say good by and may God bless you[.]

Yours Truly

Dont [sic] work to[o] hard.