A Letter Written on Dec 2, 1954

Thursday night

Dearest Pat,

This week is moving so rapidly I've hardly had time to stop and think[.] Our teachers seem intent on failing us. But I will fight to the bitter end which doesn't seem too far in the future.

Monday morning it started to snow and it is still snowing. We literally wade through drifts to get to classes[.] But as I sit looking out of the window it all seems so white, soft, and peaceful that I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm getting to be a sentimental old fool at the tender age of 18. Since we are snowed in so to speak we haven't been making any trips to the other large towns in search of entertainment we just stagger to town and go to a movie. Real exciting isn't it?

It really was great to see everyone again last week. It made a lively topic of conversation for our return trip. Jack had a date with Bev Saturday night and as they didn't get in till almost three he has been receiving a good bit of ribbing. To be truthful I'm very glad he had a nice time maybe it will help to destroy his complex of not being as good as the next person.

Please say "Hello" to Judy for me tell her she must take good care of you and if you get out of hand she must write to me and I will personally attend to the situation. On second through have Rolland look out for both of you saints from wholesome Holyoke.

Now that I've managed to say absolutely nothing I'll give up.

Love as always,