A Letter Written on Sep 29, 1954

jane foster thornton
3001 broadway
new york 27, n. y.


Dear unwholesome,

Today I signed up to paint sets for "A Phoenix Too Frequent." Professor Sweet, to whom I spoke, was polite, cool and a little on the long-haired side. However, he seems nice. These sets were designed by an adult, but he says that designs may be submitted and students do design them. Je suis très hereuse! [I am very happy]

As for classes, so far they have not been too bad. My Geology teacher, Prof. Sharp, looks exactly as Uncle Hank will in 20 years. It's amazing. I swear someday I'll ask him a question, and call him Uncle Hank! No homework yet in English - our teacher thinks we might be split up.

We're reading "The Brothers Karamazov" in Man and His World. it's [sic] not too bad.

Thanks for the picture of the vitch. [sic] Just as I was looking at it, Marilyn came into the room wearing "Intoxication," and in the same galloptious [sic] amount. I truly expected Dot to walk out of the picture and roar, "Well, fathead, it's about time!"

I sent my little boys postcards the other day, and today I picked up 2 silly little bears that I think I'll send complete with illustrated letter. It's come to such a pass that I look on all little children with an absolutely fatuous expression. This must cease!

I'm on my way to French, so I'll write some more tonight.

8:00 PM

I have just washed my hair and taken a shower. It is impossible to do one without the other. So I am sitting on my bed with nice cool N.Y. air blowing in and feeling very nize. [sic]

Had Geology lab today. Identified rocks all over the place. Rasian, Alison and I had a high old time playing "Chlorite, chlorite, who's got the feldspar?" which sounds rather like an incantation for a witch with rocks in the head - hmm! Sounds familiar.

I am to call Prof. Sweet tomorrow afternoon. You can't know - (well yes you can. I'd gotten so used to no theatrical minds) how happy I am to at last (split infinitive, tut tut) have gotten my finger in Barnard's dramatic pie. Houghton, here I come!

Friday Mollie and I are going to the Metropolitan Museum - Metropolitan! I forgot to tell you! We saw the "Dream." Pat, it was just fabulous! The scenery was perfectly beautiful, and as for Helpmann and Shearer, I'm dumb with adoration. Helpmann in the flesh is even more fascinating than Helpmann in the movies or books. His voice thunders and rolls. His enunciation is perfect. We were sitting 4 rows from the ceiling, and could understand every word. Moira was a beautiful Titania. Her costumes were all in sparkly, gauzy blue, pale yellow, and, in the last scene, white. (Oberon wore green and gold with a mammoth cloak.) Moira's voice is powerful and low and clearly understandable. She danced like a veritable fey, and Helpmann partnered her to perfection. I just can't describe the airy beauty of that pas de deux, the dream-like quality of the whole thing. I'll show you the illustrated program and the sketches I did when you come down for Thanksgiving.

Mother sent me a YLT clipping. Leah Moulton and Russ Heddon have the leads in "Happy Birthday", and Cole's in it too. Crazy, non? Also, they're giving a Sat. matinée.

Got a letter from Mrs. Gotwalt and a radio script. The poor thing's awfully busy. It was a hilarious note. Also one from Carol and from Barb Wagner. More fun - !

I can't wait to tell you about "Phoenix." It should be fun. Do write.
