Dartmouth Tuesday - October 12, 1954
Dear Pat -
Received your letter today, while "recooping" from a good-sized hangover. Very happy [to] receive your little invitation, and will be honored to come. Fred Brown - a kid down the hall - had already asked me if I would be interested in going to Holyoke this Sunday. By chance, the girl who invited him is also in Abbey - one Polly Richardson, I believe.
Now that an invitation from the Mount has presented itself, Fred & I should get to everyplace except bed this weekend. This weekend is a big party weekend - home football and all - and Fred & I both agreed to take two blind-dates off of a friend's hands. The dates are leaving around 3:00, Sunday afternoon - at which time we shall set out for Holyoke.
So - Fred & I will probably arrive about 6:00, perhaps with a friend in tow. (It all depends on whether we are still talking to him, after seeing the dates he is siccing on us.)
Please do not lament to me noxiously about the tons of homework your [sic] are buried under. I worry about your marks in the same degree that I worry about the advent of a new day. Your roving reporter has done exactly 4 assignments (all in Economics) out of a possible 40 (8 per class so far). Fraternity rushing (I am now a Drunken Deke), card games ($100 behind) and all, you know. I am seriously contemplating doing some work this week. (Ha, Ha)
....... but I'll give you all the loving, sordid details this Sunday. Thanks much for the invitation - see you about 6:00.