A Letter Written around Nov 15, 1954

[Written inside a note card for Advent Lutheran Church, York, Pa.]

Dear Pat -

So inspiring to have so talented a "former scout" remember -

I so often use you as a shining example in my troops and as volunteer trainer in describing your urge for photography - for which we take a bit of credit - and for the troop dramatics which you so ably composed.

We have never since had a play so well coached written - stage - handed as the one you managed.

Grand to hear from you - & to know you are at Mt Holyoke[.]

Rember [sic] Jo Ann Bishop - they were down from Le Moyne last week - Jo Ann left for the Marines this week - she will look stunning in uniform.

Let us hear of your successes I am sure they are many[.]

Bernie Mitel [?]